Orders of Magnitude
An electron is nothing but a set of mathematical equations. In fact, all elementary particles are nothing but mathematical equations. Since the fundamental nature of reality consists, in its essence, of elementary particles, it follows that reality is, in essence, nothing but a set of mathematical equations.
We believe reality exists. But in attempting to discover that reality, all we are really doing is slapping together a set of mathematical equations which describe reality.
Unfortunately there exists not one but an infinite number of sets of equations which describe reality. It has to do with orders of magnitude, in this case a scaling of reality which changes by powers of ten.
These orders of magnitude go on forever, and in both directions. There exists a one-to-one correspondence between these universal orders of magnitude and the various sets of equations which describe reality. Imagine we are at 10^0. Orders greater than zero represent increasing orders of magnitude (10^1, 10^2, 10^3 ...); orders less than zero represent smaller orders of magnitude (10^-1, 10^-2, 10^-3, ...).
For example, say that the set of equations {a} describes Reality as we perceive it through our senses. There exists a second set, call it {b}, that describes that same reality as perceived at a higher order of magnitude (the order of galactic structures, perhaps). There exists a reality {c} that describes reality at a smaller order of magnitude (the order of atomic nuclei). And so on ad infinitum.
Not any one of them is correct in the sense of completely describing reality--yet the summation of them might be.
The only problem is that there is an infinite number of such sets which means that ours is a journey without end.