Farewell Skive
The Farewell issue of Skive magazine has just been published. This is, sadly, the final issue of Skive.
The magazine was founded in Australia in 2003. Editor Matthew Ward was able to produce a quarterly print journal of consistently high quality. In this era of on-line-only magazines that's quite an achievement.
Ward was able to vary the style and content of the magazine as the years passed (undoubtedly one of the reasons for its success). There was the Americana issue, the Dreams issue, the Vampire issue, the Future issue, The Memoirs issue, and even a Twitter issue. There was an issue with content exclusively by Young Writers. And, one of my favorites, the April Fools Day issue, laid out to read from back to front and with fake ads and lots of other foolishness. Several selections from the Farewell issue were recorded by the authors and are available on Skive's facebook page (it can be quite enlightening to hear authors read their own works).
I'm not sure what Ward has planned for his next act, but I'm sure it will be interesting.