
I am a fiction writer living in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This site contains information on my published works of fiction. Also included are readings, event pictures, and a blog of musings near and far.


I was interviewed on the podcast The Halfling and the Spaceman on June 9, 2024.

My short story "Max the Oarsman" was broadcast on the Antipidean Speculative Fiction radio show on June 2, 2024.

My second collection of short stories, Blister and Other Stories is out now from Obie Books.

My novel The Astronomer was published last year by Whisk(e)y Tit Books. Here is the book trailer::

Four of my short stories have been translated into Vietnamese. "Happiness," "The Bridge," "The Vulture," and "The Room at the End of the World" all appear on the Vietnamese literary website Tien Ve.


Upcoming Events

The Snowy Owl Coffee House. Brewster, MA. October 5.